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 Meet The Authors:

E.M. Beekman

Philip E. Duffy

Kathleen J. Etter

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     Welcome to Chase Publishing- an independent book publishing company located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

     Come browse our selection of high-quality books listed below. Our exciting new book of poetry, our short story collections, and our vegetarian cookbook make ideal gifts for special friends and family.

The Litter of Leaving: Collected Poems   We are proud to introduce our newest book, The Litter of Leaving: Collected Poems - a riveting collection of poems focusing on the trivia, pain, humor, romance, and consolations of a full life.

The Litter of Leaving: Collected Poems

By E.M. Beekman about the author

More information, reviews, and poems from the book: click here


The Cafe Chimes Cookbook  

The Cafe Chimes Cookbook is a delightful collection of healthful and enticing recipes designed to bring out the vegetarian in all of us.

Cafe Chimes Cookbook - Simply Delicious Vegetarian Cookery to Nurture Your Body and Soul

By Kathleen J. Etter about the author
Illustrated by Shana Myers

More information, reviews, and a sample recipe: click here

Lovers of fiction will delight in our trilogy of short story collections by master story-teller, Philip E. Duffy. about the author

The Head of the Bull by Phillip E. Duffy

The Head of the Bull

For information and an excerpt from
The Head of the Bull,   click here.

Undertones by Phillip E. Duffy Undertones

For information and an excerpt from
Undertones, click here.

Moments by Phillip E. Duffy Moments

For information, reviews, and excerpts from
Moments, click here.

To order any of our books click here.

Home Page | The Litter of Leaving | Cafe Chimes Cookbook | The Head of the Bull | Undertones | Moments | Order     

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